Statistics on the Calculator for NSW Secondary Mathematics Students

Below are the step by step instructions of how to use a scientific calculator for statistics in high school mathematics.

Statistics Mode
MODE STAT (2) 1-VAR (1) A+BX (2) Single Set of Data Bivariate Data X X Y
Frequency This can be used for both the Single Set Data (1-VAR) or the Bivariate Data (A+BX) SETUP (SHIFT MODE) ↓ STAT (3) Frequency (1) ON (2) OFF
Single Set Data MODE STAT (2) 1-VAR (1) Enter Data (=) Clear Screen (AC) STAT (SHIFT 1) o Data (2) Displays Data o Var (4) - Variables (1) n = number of scores (2) x̄ = mean (3) σx = population standard deviation (4) sx = sample standard deviation o MinMax (5) 5 Number Summary (used for Box-and-Whisker Plots) (1) minX = smallest score (2) maxX = largest score (3) Q1 = lower quartile (4) med = median (5) Q3 = upper quartile
Bivariate Data MODE STAT (2) A+BX (2) Enter Data (=) Clear Screen (AC) STAT (SHIFT 1) o Data (2) Displays Data o Var (4) - Variables (1) n = number of scores (2) x̄ = mean of x scores (3) σx = population standard deviation of x scores (4) sx = sample standard deviation of x scores (5) ȳ = mean of y scores (6) σy = population standard deviation of y scores (7) sy = sample standard deviation of y scores o Reg (5) - Regression (1) A (2) B The above gives the equation of the regression line, y=A+Bx (3) r = correlation coefficient o MinMax (6) (1) minX = smallest x score (2) maxX = largest x score (3) minY = smallest y score (4) maxY = largest y score