How to Write Up a Study Plan

Time to write up a study plan, how will you do it? Here is a simple method to writing up a
study plan that works.
Good morning! This is Jason Ursino from Learning Space and I'm driving to school.
Today I'm going to be talking about study plans.
There have been many situations where I sit down with students and we sit down and put a study plan together. Particularly with HSC students but I think it's important to do it from say about Year 7, Year 8, Year 9. Just to get into the right habits. I find that students who get into some sort of program or study during the week, in some sort of habit, tend to do quite well in their exams. So putting a study plan together throughout the week is important. And what I suggest that students do is to have, doesn't have to be something published very nicely, it could be something that's quite rough. So what I would suggest is to first of all, write the days of the week along the top. Say from Sunday, Monday, all the way to Friday, Saturday, and draw in columns and then the first thing to do is to block out school so find where in the week you go to school, shade it out and block it out because obviously you're not going to study while you're at school. What I mean by that is you're not going to study at home while you're at school. So from there what you will then do is you would put your usual commitments. So if you have sport or if you play a musical instrument, block them out first because you know there is no way you're going to do some home study during that time.
Then what I suggest for students to do is to block out their rest breaks first. Every student works differently. What I find is, what's quite popular is Friday afternoon, Sunday afternoon, times like that when your brain is absolutely fried and you think there is no way I'm going to study at those times. So I suggest to students to put them in before putting actual study times in so put your rest breaks in first thinking, these are the particular times of the week that I don't want to do any study. Once you have blocked everything out, so school commitments, then you put in what's left for your study. So you go through the week, and you say, okay, well, here's an hour block, every week, I'm going to do mathematics in that block, or here's half an hour, I'm going to do some of my history study in that block. And what you will find is, generally speaking, every week, you will put a certain amount of hours to each subject and when exams come up, it's not a last minute, crash course thing. It's simply something that you just have been doing out of habit, and it becomes very, very normal. Obviously, not going to stick to this completely all the time. There are assessments that require a little bit more time and sometimes you just need to, just work on those assessments. Generally speaking, you would want to stick to the study timetable as close as possible, especially when you have big exams like Trials or HSC coming up, simply because a lot of the time the exams can even be on the same day. I've heard of students getting two or three exams on the same day and it can be a little bit overwhelming. But if you're in a study of habit, where you are studying at a constant rate throughout the year, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem. If there is anyone that would like a little bit of assistance with this sort of thing, I'm more than happy to help you out. Just get in touch with us through and if you like my videos, there are more of them at school and have a good day.